ギフトカード 100 RES 01 RES 02 RES 04 RES 06 RES 10 RES 11 RES 15 RES 19 RES 31 RES 32 RES 34
Shopping Bag : 0


To be determined 送料
EUR 0.00
EUR 0.00 合計


あなたのカートの中のアイテム:%d [/ 1] あなたのカートには1つのアイテムがあります。
総出荷額  To be determined
EUR 0.00
  • < >
    ギフトカードStrategic Business Unit 100
    ギフトカードStrategic Business Unit 100 ギフトカードStrategic Business Unit 100
  • Gift Card 100    EUR 100

    Gift Card 100    EUR 100

    EUR 100


    This voucher can be used several times (as long as the balance is positive).
    The amount value will be use only in ATI.
    Available until:



    You can purchase gift cards in the same way you purchase any other product from sbu.it.

    1. Customize your gift card
    2. add gift card to cart
    3. complete checkout
    4. receive e-mail
    5. view gift card online
    An online gift card will be e-mailed to you, and will contain the gift card code used at checkout to redeem the value of the gift card when purchasing a product from sbu.it.

    If you wish to send the gift card to a friend, just type in the "Customize" section below the recipient's e-mail address.


    このセクションでは、ギフトカードをパーソナライズして友人に送る機会を与えます。 下のフィールドに情報を入力し、[保存]をクリックします。
    カスタマイズした製品を保存したら、カートに追加してください。 カスタマイズされたギフトカードに関するご質問やご質問は、お問い合わせください。





    • SBU.IT gift cards terms and conditions
    • Strategic Business Unit gift cards are available for purchase at sbu.it.
      Your strategic business unit gift card has no expiry date and may be gifted to anyone in the world.
    • Redemption
    • The total order of products purchased on sbu.it with a gift card includes
      (i) the price of product(s),
      (ii) sales tax where applicable and
      (iii) shipping charges.
      If the order total is more than the gift card amount, the remaining balance must be paid for by credit card, paypal or another gift card.
    • The gift card balance will immediately be reduced, while the credit card or paypal account will not be charged until the items are shipped.
      all purchases made with gift cards are subject to the acceptance of our terms and conditions for online purchasing and website use.
      you acknowledge that you have read carefully such terms and conditions and agree to fully comply with them.
      upon redemption, any unused balance will be carried over for future purchases and will not be redeemed or exchanged for cash.
    • Cancellation
    • You have the right to cancel the gift card within 14 working days of receipt provided that you have not used the gift card. SBU.IT will refund the amount of the gift card to the original payment method used during ordering within 30 days of cancellation.
    • If you return a product originally purchased with a gift card, any refund will be returned to the original gift card.
    • If you return a product originally purchased with multiple gift cards, the total product value will be returned to the most-recent purchased gift card.
    • If you return product originally purchased with multiple payment methods, any balance owed will first be refunded to the payment type used for the original transaction, credit card or paypal account, up to the original amount charged, and then to the gift card.
    • Lost or stolen gift cards
    • The gift card will not be replaced if lost or stolen without proper proof of purchase.
      Treat it like cash.
      Please contact us for more information.
    • Fraud
    • We reserve the right to refuse, cancel or hold for review gift cards and orders for suspected fraud, for cards mistakenly issued in an incorrect denomination, or for other violations of gift card policies.



    Strategic Business Unitカスタマーケアへようこそ

    SBU.ITの代理人と話すことを望む場合、またはさらなる支援が必要な場合は、Eメールまたは電話(+39 06 68802547)でお気軽にお問い合わせください。

    SBU.IT カスタマーケア

  • 関連製品